Abstract Photodetection technology has been systematically studied due to wide practical applications in temperature monitoring, thermal image technology, and light communication systems. To date, photodetectors based on multitudes of 2D materials have been reported because of their excellent performance. On account of their novel physical properties with ultrathin thickness, cost‐effective preparation with mechanical transfer process, natural passivated surface without dangling bonds, various bandgaps corresponding with a wide photoresponse, and so on, new 2D materials emerge to play significant roles in the field of photodetection. In this regard, a great advance has been achieved in terms of preparation and device application, especially in the last decade. However, there are still some challenges to obtain high‐performance photodetectors, such as growing high‐quality 2D materials, achieving higher quantum efficiency, effectively separating the photogenerated electron–hole pairs, and so on. In this review, the recent development of the state‐of‐the‐art photodetection composed of 2D materials is summarized. Moreover, the key parameters and mechanisms in photodetectors are highlighted, and an overview on 2D materials and their heterostructures is provided. Finally, the strategies for improving the performance of photodetectors are also highlighted. The review will provide a guide to further practical applications in photodetection devices.