Anthocyanin accumulation is a marked phenotype of plants under environmental stresses. PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTORs (PIFs) are involved in environment-induced anthocyanin biosynthesis through interacting with the MYB-bHLH-WD40 (MBW) complex. However, the molecular mechanism of this interaction remains unclear. The present study demonstrated that PIF3 and PIF5 can slightly repress anthocyanin accumulation under NaCl, low nitrogen (-N), or 6-BA treatments; in contrast, PIF4 can significantly repress anthocyanin accumulation. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation and yeast two-hybrid assays showed that PIF4 directly interacts with PRODUCTION OF ANTHOCYANIN PIGMENT 1 (PAP1), a MYB transcription factor in the MBW complex. Further analysis revealed that the active phytochrome binding (APB) domain in the N terminus of PIF4 is necessary for the interaction between PIF4 and PAP1. Yeast three-hybrid analysis showed that PIF4 competes with TRANSPARENT TESTA 8 (TT8) to bind PAP1, thereby interfering with the regulation of the MBW protein complex in anthocyanin synthesis. Consistently, the anthocyanin content in pap1-D/35S::PIF4 and 35S::PAP1/35S::PIF4 seedlings was markedly lower than that in pap1-D and 35S::PAP1 under 6-BA, MeJA, -N, and NaCl stresses, implying that overexpression of PIF4 suppresses anthocyanin accumulation in pap1-D and 35S::PAP1. Thus, PIF4 is genetically epistatic to PAP1. Taken together, PIF4 plays a negative role in modulating anthocyanin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis under different stress environments, and PIF4 interacts with PAP1 to affect the integrity of the MBW complex.