The vagus nerve plays an important role in regulating the homeostasis of inflammation. Inflammation signals in the body are passed to the vagus nerve efferent fibers via nerve reflexes, and the signals generated by efferent fibers will play an anti-inflammatory role in various inflammatory diseases through immune cells such as T cells that express choline acetyltransferase and macrophages. However, the resolution of inflammation is not only the interaction between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, but also an active process of biosynthesis, including the synthesis of various pro-resolving mediators and their physiological utility process. Moreover, the cholinergic inflammation reflex also plays a crucial role in inflammation resolution. This review reviews and summarizes the cholinergic inflammatory reflex and its key role in the process of inflammation resolution.迷走神经在调节全身的炎症稳态中起着重要作用。体内的炎症信号经由神经反射传递给迷走神经传出纤维,后者产生的信号通过巨噬细胞、表达胆碱乙酰转移酶的T细胞等免疫细胞在各种炎症疾病中发挥抑炎作用。但是炎症的解决不仅仅是促炎性细胞因子与抗炎细胞因子的相互角力,更是一个生物合成的主动过程,其中包括各种促分解介质的合成以及它们的生理效用过程。此外,胆碱能炎症反射在炎症消退过程中同样发挥着重要作用。本综述回顾并总结了胆碱能炎症反射及其在炎症消退过程中的重要作用。.