This is the second report of our studies on the genus Linnaemya R.-D. of the familyTachinidae from China. In this paper one subgenus and five species are described asnew to science. All types of the new species are deposited in the Institute of Zoology,Academia Sinica.Eurysurstyla. subg. nov.Frons as broad as 1/2 of the eye, upper occiput without black setulae behind thepostocular row. Second antennal segment without an elongate wart-liks excrescence onthe inner-anterior surface. Upper gena with black setulae and lower gena with palesetulae, pleura of mesothorax, coxae, trochanters and basal half of the ventral surfaceof abdomen with pale hairs; the sixth tergite disappeared, 7+8 syntergites form-ing a very narrow plate and hiding under the fifth tergite; surstylus stronglybroadened into a round plate at basal part, largely covering the caudal surface of thecercus (fig. 1), by which the new subgenus differs from all other known subgenera.Type species: L. (Eurysurstyla) linguicerca, sp. nov.1. Linnaemya (Eurysurstyla) linguicerca, sp. nov.Head silver-dusted, without proclinate orbital setae. Descending frontal setae notexceeding apical level of second antennal segment; ocellar satae proclinat, hair-like.Antennae black, the third segment two times as long as the second, parafacial 2/3 asbroad as the third segment of antennae. Palpi reddish-yellow, two times as long aswide. Thorax black,. with greyish-white dusts and five black longitudinal stripes. a3+3, dc 3+3. st 2+1; scutellum pale-yellow. Legs black, tibia yellow, mid-tibiawith 2 ad. Abdomen yellow, with greyish-white pruinosity, the fourth tergite with apair of discal bristles, the forceps as illustrated in fig. 1.Length: 10 mm.Holotype ?, Damenglong, Yunnan, at 1600 m, 1958. IV. 26. 2.Linnaemya hirtradia, sp. now.?. Frons as broad as 5/12 of the eye. Parafacial bare, narrower than the thirdsegment of antenna. Antennae black, the third segment 1.6 times as long as thesecond. Thorax black, with greyish-white pruinosity and five black longitudinal stripes;a 3+2, dc 3+3, ia 0+3, st 2+1; scutellum pale yellow,logs black,tibia reddish-brown, mid-tibia with 2-3 ad. r_1 with setulae on basal 1/4 of dorsal surface.Abdomenblack, densely covered with silver dust, third ed fourth tergites each with a pair ofdiscal bristles. Forceps as illustrated in fig. 5. This species is similar to L. ziminiChao, but the second costal sector is bare ventrally.Length: 9 mm.Holotype ?, Qinling, Shaanxi, at 1300m, 1973. Ⅷ. 10.3. Linnaemya nonappendix, sp. nov.?. Head blach, covered with silver dusts. Frons wider than eye; occiput with2 rows of black setulae behind upper half of postocular row. Parafacial bare, 1.5times as wide as the third segment of antenna. Antennae black, third segment twice aslong as the second. Cheek with black hairs, palpi reddish-yellow, 1/3 times as long asthe second segment of antennae. Thorax black, covered with greyish-white pruino-sity, a 3+3, dc 3+3, ia 0+3, st 2+1, scutellum black on basal 1/3, reddish-yellowon apica 2/3, apical scutellar bristles strong. m with a well-defined rounded or obtusebend, at the top of which with a short pleat instead of appendage vein. Legs black,fore coxae on the anterior surface bare. Abdomen .black, thinly covered with greyish-white dust, third and fourth tergites each with a pair of discal bristles.Length: 10 mm.Holotype ?, Inner Mongolia, 1971. Ⅷ. 12.This species in general appearance resembles L. claripalla, sp. n., but the bend ofvein m bears no appendage vein.4. Linnaemya claripalle, sp. nov.9. Head black, densedly dusted. Frons as broad as 1.5 times of an eye. Upperocciput with two rows of black setulae behind the postocular row. Parafacial bare,as wide as the third segment of antennae. Antenna black, the third segment two timesas long as the second. Palpi reddish-yellow, four times as long as wide, about equal tothe second segment of antennae. Thorax black, covered with greyish-white pruinosityand with five black longitudinal stripes. a 3+3, dc 3+3, ia 0+3, st 2+1, scutellumreddish-yellow. Vein m bent in right angle. Coxa, of