Exploring the surface-capturing and releasing processes of nanocargo on the living cell membrane is critical for understanding the membrane translocation process. In this work, we achieve total internal reflection scattering (TIRS) illumination on a commercial dark-field optical microscope without the introduction of any additional optical components. By gradually reducing the diaphragm size in the excitation light path, the angle of the incident beam can be well manipulated. Under optimal conditions, the excitation light can be totally reflected at the glass/water interface, resulting in a thin layer of evanescent field for TIRS illumination. Due to the exponential decay feature of the evanescent field, the displacement of the nanocargo along the vertical direction can be directly resolved in the intensity track. With this method, we selectively monitor the dynamics of the transferrin-modified nanocargo on the living cell membrane. Transition between confined diffusion and long-range searching is involved in the binding site recognition process, which exhibits non-Gaussian and nonergodic-like behavior. More interestingly, 2D fast sliding and 3D hopping motions are also distinguished on the fluidic cell membrane, which is essentially modulated by the strength of ligand–receptor interactions, as revealed by the free-energy profiles. These heterogeneous and dynamic interactions together control the diffusion mode of the nanocargo on the lipid membrane and, thus, determine the cellular translocation efficiency.