Incorporating Primer Amplification Efficiencies in Quantitative Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Experiments; Considerations for Differential Gene Expression Analyses in Zebrafish
Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) is commonly used to measure the mRNA expression of target genes in zebrafish. Gene expression values from RT-qPCR are typically reported as relative fold-changes, and relative quantification of RT-qPCR data incorporates primer amplification efficiency values for each target gene. We describe the influence of the primer amplification efficiency analysis method on RT-qPCR gene expression fold-change calculations. This report describes (1) a sample analysis demonstrating incorporation of primer amplification efficiency into RT-qPCR analysis for comparing gene expression of a gene of interest between two groups when normalized to multiple reference genes, (2) the influence of differences in primer amplification efficiencies between measured genes on gene expression differences calculated from theoretical delta-Cq (dCq) values, and (3) an empirical comparison of the influence of three methods of defining primer amplification efficiency in gene expression analyses (delta-delta-Cq [ddCq], standard curve, LinRegPCR) using mRNA measurements of a set of genes in zebrafish embryonic development. Given the need to account for the influence of primer amplification efficiency along with the simplicity of using software programs (LinRegPCR) to measure primer amplification efficiency from RT-qPCR data, we encourage using empirical measurements of primer amplification efficiency for RT-qPCR analysis of differential gene expression in zebrafish.