Heavy metal(loid) (HM) pollution in agricultural soils has become an environmental concern in antimony (Sb) mining areas. However, priority pollution sources identification and deep understanding of environmental risks of HMs face great challenges due to multiple and complex pollution sources coexist. Herein, an integrated approach was conducted to distinguish pollution sources and assess human health risk (HHR) and ecological risk (ER) in a typical Sb mining watershed in Southern China. This approach combines absolute principal component score-multiple linear regression (APCS-MLR) and positive matrix factorization (PMF) models with ER and HHR assessments. Four pollution sources were distinguished for both models, and APCS-MLR model was more accurate and plausible. Predominant HM concentration source was natural source (39.1%), followed by industrial and agricultural activities (23.0%), unknown sources (21.5%) and Sb mining and smelting activities (16.4%). Although natural source contributed the most to HM concentrations, it did not pose a significant ER. Industrial and agricultural activities predominantly contributed to ER, and attention should be paid to Cd and Sb. Sb mining and smelting activities were primary anthropogenic sources of HHR, particularly Sb and As contaminations. Considering ER and HHR assessments, Sb mining and smelting, and industrial and agricultural activities are critical sources, causing serious ecological and health threats. This study showed the advantages of multiple receptor model application in obtaining reliable source identification and providing better source-oriented risk assessments. HM pollution management, such as regulating mining and smelting and implementing soil remediation in polluted agricultural soils, is strongly recommended for protecting ecosystems and humans.