Developing Thermal Regulating and Electromagnetic Shielding Nacre-Inspired Graphene-Conjugated Conducting Polymer Film via Apparent Wiedemann–Franz Law
In this work, we observed size-dependent behavior of filler on both the thermal and electrical conductivities of nacre-like graphene-conjugated conducting polymer films and demonstrated the display of apparent Wiedemann-Franz law and tunability of Lorenz constant in such films. The maximum thermal and electrical conductivities of as-fabricated films can reach over 73 W·m-1·K-1 and 1200 S·cm-1, respectively. Furthermore, the maximum value of electromagnetic interference shielding reaches 54 dB with SSE/t over 16000 dB·cm2·g-1. These films can not only show high-quality electromagnetic interference shielding performance with small thickness and low filler ratio but also achieve simultaneous thermal management during electromagnetic shielding. The findings in this work offer new insight into designing flexible graphene-conjugated polymers with customizable thermal and electrical properties in the broad fields of thermal management systems, electromagnetic defense systems, and flexible electronic systems.