The tactics used by animal pathogens to combat host immunity are largely unclear. Here, we report the depiction of the virulence-required effector Tge1 deployed by the entomopathogen Metarhizium robertsii to suppress Drosophila antifungal immunity. Tge1 can target both GNBP3 and GNBP-like 3 (GL3), and the latter can bind to β-glucans like GNBP3, whereas the glucan binding by both receptors can be attenuated by Tge1. As opposed to the surveillance GNBP3, GL3 is inducible in Drosophila depending on the Toll pathway via a positive feedback loop mechanism. Losses of GNBP3 and GL3 genes result in the deregulations of protease cascade, Spätzle maturation, and antimicrobial gene expressions in Drosophila upon fungal challenges. Fly survival assays confirm that GL3 plays a more essential role than GNBP3 in combating fungal infections. In addition to evidencing the gene-for-gene interactions between fungi and insects, our data advance insights into Drosophila antifungal immunity.