Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a prevalent complication of diabetes mellitus (DM) and lead to significant morbidity and mortality. Patients with DM have a lifetime risk of DFUs as high as 34%. The pathogenesis of DFUs is multifactorial, and the most common underlying causes are poor glycemic control, peripheral neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease, foot deformity, and poor foot care. Diabetic lower-extremity complications are also a significant burden in terms of healthcare costs. In the United States alone, the direct cost of diabetic foot care has been estimated to be $8,659 per patient, with total annual medical costs for managing diabetic foot disease ranging from $9 to $13 billion. Given the risk of amputation and poor wound healing, the fast, accurate diagnosis and treatment of DFUs are critical. Measures to prevent DFUs include glycemic control and annual foot inspections. For patients with DFUs, off-loading and local wound care are critical for wound healing. Debridement is the standard of care for DFU wounds, and several techniques exist. In this review, we discuss the current practices of diabetic wound care, different methods of debridement and their practical use in DFUs, and novel debridement approaches with the potential for improving wound-healing outcomes.