“Failure envelops for foundation subjected to inclined and eccentric loading considering steady state and transient flow conditions in unsaturated soils”
In this paper, an analytical method and semi-empirical equations are presented for determining the bearing capacity failure envelopes for foundations subjected to inclined or eccentric loads in unsaturated soils considering the influence of steady and transient state flow conditions. Firstly, the analytical method is proposed extending the slip line theory coupled with analytical solutions for different matric suction profiles. The failure envelopes in the V - H (Vertical - Horizontal) and V - M (Vertical - Moment) loading spaces for two fine-grained soils were investigated by conducting parametric studies using the proposed method. The influence of the ground water table depth variation, internal friction angles, surface flux boundary conditions and different infiltration durations were considered. Based on the parametric studies results, semi-empirical equations were proposed for the failure envelopes in the two loading spaces. The validity of the proposed failure envelope equations is examined by providing comparisons with the proposed analytical method and published results from the literature. Good agreement is found between the fitted failure envelopes and that obtained from the analytical method and published studies.