Tiemao Shi,Di Wang,Yu Tang,Peiying Li,Yaqi Chu
Achieving carbon neutrality is an urgent, complex and arduous task in China. How to effectively exert carbon sequestration and improve carbon sequestration capacity of urban ecosystems should be solved. Compared with other terrestrial ecosystem types, frequent anthropogenic activities lead to more abundant carbon sink elements of urban ecosystems and more complex factors affecting their carbon sequestration capacity. Based on researches at multiple spatial and temporal scales, we analyzed key factors affecting the carbon sequestration capacity of urban ecosystems from different perspectives. We illuminated the composition and characteristics of carbon sinks of urban ecosystems, summarized the methods and characteristics of carbon sequestration capacity of urban ecosystems, and revealed the impact factors of carbon sequestration capacity of different carbon sink elements and the comprehensive impact factors of carbon sinks of urban ecosystems under the influence of human activities. With the continuous improved understanding of carbon sinks of urban ecosystems, it is necessary to further improve the accounting method of carbon sequestration capacity of artificial carbon sink systems, explore the key impact factors of comprehensive carbon sequestration capacity, change the research method from global to spatially weighted, discover the spatial coupling relationship between artificial and natural carbon sink systems, find out the optimal artificial-natural spatial configuration to achieve carbon sequestration capacity enhancement, break the limitations of increasing carbon sink of urban ecosystems, and finally contribute to the achievement of the urban carbon neutrality goal.实现碳中和目标是当前我国一项紧迫、复杂和艰巨的任务,如何有效发挥城市生态系统的固碳功能,提升城市生态系统碳汇的固碳能力成为了迫切需要解决的问题。与其他陆地生态系统类型相比,频繁的人为活动导致城市生态系统碳汇要素更加丰富,影响其固碳能力的因素也更加复杂。目前,基于多个时空尺度的研究,从不同的角度提出了影响城市生态系统碳汇固碳能力的关键因素。本文阐述了城市生态系统碳汇的构成与特征,总结了城市生态系统碳汇固碳能力核算的方法及其特点,揭示了不同碳汇要素固碳能力的影响因素以及人为活动影响下城市生态系统碳汇的综合影响因素。随着对于城市生态系统碳汇认识的不断提高,应当进一步完善人工碳汇系统固碳能力核算方法,探寻综合碳汇固碳关键影响因素,研究方法由全局向空间加权转变,探明人工与自然碳汇系统的空间耦合关系,找到实现固碳能力提升的最优人工-自然空间配置,从而突破城市生态系统碳增汇的瓶颈,助力城市碳中和目标的实现。.