To investigate the distribution and clinical significance of nuclear dense fine speckled (DFS) pattern in various diseases. A total of 95 289 patients who received DFS tests at Peking Union Medical College Hospital from January 2019 to December 2020 were included in this study. The results of indirect immunofluorescence assay (IIF) for detection of antinuclear antibody (ANA) were evaluated. The positive rates of ANA and DFS were 39.60% (37 733/95 289) and 1.19% (1 139/95 289) respectively. The positive rate of DFS in ANA-positive patients was 3.02% (1 139/37 733). DFS and ANA positivity were significantly different among different age groups rather than gender. The positivity rate of DFS reached the peak (55.57%, 633/1 139) in young patients between 21-40 years, while positive ANA with negative DFS was mainly observed in patients between 41-60 years (37.26%, 13 636/36 594). Additionally, single ANA-positivity were mainly detected in rheumatology department (59.23%, 18 402/31 066), whereas positive DFS was more common in obstetrics and gynecology department (3.08%, 49/1 593). There were 82.88% (944/1 139) patients with positive DFS diagnosed with non-autoimmune disease (non-AID), and 19.49%(222/1 139) with dermatosis. Positive DFS with higher titer (≥1∶320) was detected more frequently in autoimmune disease (AID) patients (5.13%, 10/195) than in non-AID patients (1.69%, 16/944) (P<0.05). The DFS pattern is rare in ANA positive patients, which is mainly observed in women between 21-49 years. High titer of DFS is prevalent in AID patients, but positive DFS is detected more in non-AID patients, especially those with dermatosis.探讨抗核抗体(ANA)致密斑点型(DFS)在不同疾病中的分布及临床意义。回顾分析2019年1月至2020年12月北京协和医院95 289例连续送检标本间接免疫荧光法(IIF)检测ANA的结果。结果显示,ANA阳性率39.60%(37 733/95 289),DFS阳性率1.19%(1 139/95 289);在ANA阳性患者中,DFS阳性率3.02%(1 139/37 733)。DFS阳性者在21~40岁比例为55.57%(633/1 139),而ANA阳性(除外DFS阳性)者在41~60岁比例为37.26%(13 636/36 594)。ANA阳性(除外DFS阳性)者主要在风湿免疫科(59.23%,18 402/31 066),而DFS阳性者主要在妇产科(3.08%,49/1 593)。1 139例DFS阳性者中,自身免疫病(AID)者195例(17.12%,195/1 139);非AID者944例(82.88%,944/1 139),其中以皮肤病占比最高(19.49%,222/1 139)。AID患者中出现高滴度(≥1∶320)DFS的比例(5.13%,10/195)高于非AID患者(1.69%,16/944;P<0.05)。DFS是ANA阳性者中少见的荧光核型,主要分布在21~49岁女性患者;DFS阳性者主要出现在非AID患者中,以皮肤病最常见;DFS阳性滴度≥1∶320时常见于AID患者。.