Background: High rate of Lateral Ankle Sprain (LAS) occurs in high rate in athletes near the end of the matches when the fatigue is well established.Understanding the effects of fatigue on Repositioning Error (RE) in athletic persons may partially explain the increased risk of LASs in those populations. Aim of Study:To investigate the effect of peroneal muscles fatigue on RE in volley ball female players.Study Design: One group pretest/posttest cross section design.Material and Methods: 25 female volleyball players with mean age (20 ±2 years) and mean BMI (22.8± 1 .6kg/m 2 ) were recruited from Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University.Proprioception (in the form of RE) was tested before and after induction of fatigue.Fatigue protocol and proprioception assessment were performed using Biodex System III Pro Isokinetic dynamometer.Mean error around 20 degree of inversion was calculated.Results: There was no statistical significant difference in RE before and after peroneal muscles fatigue ( p=0.904).Conclusion: RE of ankle joint was not affected by induction of peroneal muscles fatigue.