Objective To understand physical exercises and associated factors among college students COVID-19 pandemic, and to provide a reference for promoting physical exercise of college students at home. Methods A convenient questionnaire survey was used to investigate the physical exercise and associated factors of 1 132 college students in 6 colleges in Beijing. Results A total of 1 033(91.25%) college students participated in physical exercise; with an average of (3.33±1.99) times per week, the length of each exercise was (39.24±13.23) min, and the subjective sense of exercise intensity was (2.61±0.99). Differences in exercise frequency, duration and intensity differed significantly by gender ( P <0.05). Differences in exercise frequency were significantly by grades and places of residence ( P <0.05). The exercise items of college students differed by genders and places of residence were statistically significant ( P <0.05). Students with different exercise motivations showed significant differences in exercise behaviors ( P <0.05). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that grade, lack of interest in exercise, limited venues, incomplete equipment, family sports atmosphere, and school requirements were associated with participation in physical exercise behavior at home ( P <0.05). Conclusion The status of home physical exercise for college students needs to be improved. It is necessary to combine college students’ exercise motivation and characteristics of exercise items based on school physical education, and to establish a family-school-society network interactive platform to form an effective linkage mechanism to promote college students’ active participation in physical exercise at home. 【摘要】 目的 了解新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称 “新冠肺炎” )疫情期间大学生体育锻炼行为现状及影响因素, 为促进大学 生居家体育锻炼提供参考。 方法 方便抽取北京市6所高校1 132名大学生利用问卷星进行体育锻炼行为与影响因素问 卷调查。 结果 1 033名(91.25%)大学生居家参与体育锻炼, 每周锻炼频次为(3.33±1.99)次, 每次锻炼时长为(39.24± 13.23)min, 锻炼强度主观感觉值为(2.61±0.99)。不同性别大学生锻炼频次、时长和强度差异均有统计学意义, 不同年级 和居住地大学生锻炼频次差异有统计学意义( P 值均<0.05);不同性别、居住地大学生锻炼项目差异有统计学意义( P 值均 <0.05);不同锻炼动机大学生锻炼行为差异有统计学意义( P 值均<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示, 年级、缺乏锻炼 兴趣、场地受限、器械不全、家庭运动氛围、学校要求是大学生居家参与体育锻炼行为的影响因素( P 值均<0.05)。 结论 大学生居家体育锻炼现状有待改善, 应结合大学生锻炼动机和锻炼项目特征, 基于学校体育教学, 建立家庭-学校-社会的 网络互动平台, 形成有效联动机制, 促进大学生居家积极参与体育锻炼的行为。