Direct current (dc) plasma-assisted sintering of metal parts is a promising and relatively new research and development field in powder metallurgy (PM). In the present entry, it is intended to introduce the reader to the main applications of the dc plasma sintering process in PM. To achieve this goal, the present entry is divided in a brief introduction and sections in which the bases of the dc plasma abnormal glow discharge regime and its influence in the sintering process are carefully treated. In this case, a clear language is purposely used to didactically introduce the reader to this "fascinating glow world", the dc plasma-assisted sintering of metal parts, aiming to put in evidence the main points on physicochemical aspects of the plasma environment, basic knowledge of the plasma heating, and surface-related phenomena during dc plasma sintering of parts. All these aspects are treated considering the main techniques of the dc plasma-assisted sintering process applied to PM. Finally, some results on DC plasma heating, sintering and surface modification are presented.