This paper presents a study concerning the effectiveness of electromagnetic shielding of textile structures coated with ferromagnetic materials. For this scientific approach, 6 experimental models of composites-based fabrics with electromagnetic properties were made by applying paste/dispersion based on polymeric matrices (polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)), copper microparticles (Cu), nickel (Ni), aluminium (Al), silver (Ag), and graphene oxide (GO) using classical deposition (immersion, scraping) and ultrasonic technologies. The effectiveness of electromagnetic shielding has been evaluated using a coaxial cell model TEM 2000, oscilloscope model MDO 3102, power amplifier Model SMX5, signal generator type E8257D. The measurements were performed in the frequency range 0.1 MHz – 1 GHz and power 30 W. from all samples, the samples based PVA-Ni and PVA-Ni-Al exhibit pronounced surface conductivity and increased effectiveness of electromagnetic shielding for low and high frequencies.