Abstract Despite the various techniques developed for the transfer of large area graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), the conventional polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) transferring technique has been widely applied in laboratories due to its convenience and economical cost. However, the complete removal of PMMA on graphene surface has become a troublesome, and the PMMA residue could degrade the properties of graphene significantly. We report here a facile water assisted technique to directly peel off the PMMA layer over centimeter-sized CVD graphene film for the first time. No organic solvents are involved in the whole transfer process. The transferred graphene film is clean and intact over large area because of the cooperative effect of the capillary force and the van der Waals force which facilitates the conformal contact between graphene film and the substrate. Various types of graphene samples (i.e. monolayer, multilayer, and incomplete domains) can be easily transferred to diverse substrates including silicon wafer, sapphire, and quartz with good integrity. The transferred graphene film is of high cleanliness, and the graphene transistors show higher carrier mobility and lower level of p-type doping comparing to the conventional wet transfer technique.