Customer-Centric E-commerce Implementing Artificial Intelligence for Better Sales and Service
Salu George Thandekkattu,M. Kalaiarasi
E-commerce organization started implementing artificial intelligence, since 2016. AI in Web development will redefine the UX experience with more customized content. The learning machine will implement its vision for a better experience in Web apps. The study states that human workers will replace by AI machines. AI means intelligent machines, which make manual tasks such as dynamic pricing, efficient delivery, virtual agents and many more in future. Early adopters of AI were successful for companies like Amazon and Netflix. The research work on artificial intelligence started long back in 1950s. Games include efficient tool for involving and engaging an individual in a particular way. Gaming with AI models can be incorporated in shopping sites to make online shopping fun and stress free. Artificial intelligence is on high demand in the online services especially in E-commerce industry. E-commerce firms are into vast research on improving their artificial intelligence tool to meet the current market demands. The enterprises which implement their Web application with AI are observed to benefit more. The study of the paper starts from AI, AI in gaming to AI implementation in Web applications. It includes vision, predictive analysis, strategy and uncertainty handling in AI model. We have made Pong game analysis in Java script programming and match the various predictive analyses, to apply in E-commerce. It provides customers with their personalized interface which is interactive. AI-enabled E-commerce systems can view their customers’ preferences in real time. The study states that organization which implements this AI model will achieve large sales as well as customer satisfaction.