H. Mardoyan,F. Jorge,Marcel Destraz,B. Duval,Bertold Ian Bitachon,Yannik Horst,Kaoutar Benyahya,F. Blache,M. Goix,Eva De Leo,Patrick Habegger,Norbert Meier,Nino Del Medico,Valentino Tedaldi,Christian Funck,Nicholas A. Güsken,Juerg Leuthold,J. Renaudier,Claudia Hoessbacher,Wolfgang Heni,Benedikt Baeuerle
We report on coherent transmission of beyond 100 GBd signaling based on plasmonic technology. Using dual-drive plasmonic-organic-hybrid I/Q modulator on silicon photonics platform, we demonstrate the successful transmission of 160-GBaud QPSK and 140-GBaud 16QAM modulations.