The utilization of antiferroelectric (AFE) materials is commonly believed as an effective strategy to improve the energy-storage density of multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs). Unfortunately, the inferior energy conversion efficiency (η) leads to high energy dissipation, which severely restricts the broader applications of MLCCs due to the increased probability of materials and/or devices failure. Herein, AFEs featuring large polarization response and small hysteresis loss are proposed to make up for deficiencies. Guided by this proposal, (Pb0.94La0.04)(Zr0.69Sn0.30Ti0.01)O3 AFE MLCC (abbreviated as M2) are manufactured. An ultrahigh Wrec of 16.1 J/cm3 and an excellent η of 90.9% are achieved simultaneously. Additionally, a great discharge energy density (Wdis) of 8.8 J/cm3 and a large power density (PD) of 165.6 MW/cm3 are obtained synchronously. Noticeably, M2 exhibits excellent frequency-insensitive, temperature-bearable, and fatigue cycle-endurable energy-storage performances and/or charge-discharge properties. These results indicate that M2 has a promising prospect in advanced power electronic and/or pulsed power systems.