Gastroduodenal inflammation and ulcerative injuries are increasing due to expanding socio-economic stress, unhealthy food habits-lifestyle, smoking, alcoholism and usage of medicines like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In fact, gastrointestinal (GI) complications, associated with the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, further, poses a challenge to global healthcare towards safeguarding the GI tract. Emerging evidences have discretely identified mitochondrial dysfunctions as common etiological denominators in diseases. However, it is worth realizing that mitochondrial dysfunctions are not just consequences of diseases. Rather, damaged mitochondria severely aggravate the pathogenesis thereby qualifying as perpetrable factors worth of prophylactic and therapeutic targeting. Oxidative and nitrosative stress due to endogenous and exogenous stimuli triggers mitochondrial injury causing production of mitochondrial damage associated molecular patterns (mtDAMPs), which, in a feed-forward loop, inflicts inflammatory tissue damage. Mitochondrial structural dynamics and mitophagy are crucial quality control parameters determining the extent of mitopathology and disease outcomes. Interestingly, apart from endogenous factors, mitochondria also crosstalk and in turn get detrimentally affected by gut pathobionts colonized during luminal dysbiosis. Although mitopathology is documented in various pre-clinical/clinical studies, a comprehensive account appreciating the mitochondrial basis of GI mucosal pathogenesis is largely lacking. Here we critically discuss the molecular events impinging on mitochondria along with the interplay of mitochondria-derived factors in fueling mucosal damage. We specifically emphasize on the potential role of aberrant mitochondrial dynamics, anomalous mitophagy, mitochondrial lipoxidation and ferroptosis as emerging regulators of GI mucosal pathogenesis. We finally discuss about the prospect of mitochondrial targeting for next-generation drug discovery against GI disorders.