Annals of the New York Academy of SciencesVolume 416, Issue 1 p. 332-350 INTERACTION OF PHAGOCYTES WITH OTHER BLOOD CELLS AND WITH PATHOGENIC AND NONPATHOGENIC MICROBES C. J. van Oss, C. J. van Oss Departments of Microbiology and Chemical Engineering State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo, New York 14214Search for more papers by this authorD. R. Absolom, D. R. Absolom Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A4Search for more papers by this authorA. W. Neumann, A. W. Neumann Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A4Search for more papers by this author C. J. van Oss, C. J. van Oss Departments of Microbiology and Chemical Engineering State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo, New York 14214Search for more papers by this authorD. R. Absolom, D. R. Absolom Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A4Search for more papers by this authorA. W. Neumann, A. W. Neumann Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A4Search for more papers by this author First published: December 1983 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1749-6632.1983.tb35197.xCitations: 16AboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text accessShare full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use and check box below to share full-text version of article.I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of UseShareable LinkUse the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share a linkShare onEmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWechat References 1 Seaman, G. V. F. & D. E. Brooks. 1979. Analytical cell electrophoresis. 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