This article examines the effect of increased corporate information disclosure on stock liquidity. Using the adoption of I nternational F inancial R eporting S tandards ( IFRS ) in I taly as a natural experiment we extend previous work examining the effect on one measure of liquidity—bid‐ask spreads—to others, specifically depth and the price impact of transactions (or effective bid‐ask spreads). Consistent with previous research we find that bid‐ask spreads of stocks decline following the introduction of IFRS , which implies that stock liquidity increases for small traders. However, we also provide evidence that depth at the best quotes declines, which challenges the proposition that liquidity increases for large trades following an increase in disclosure. In additional tests, we find that effective bid‐ask spreads of block trades also decline following the introduction of IFRS . Overall, this evidence confirms that stock liquidity for both small and large trades increases following an increase in corporate information disclosure.