Abstract The performance of detonation and underwater explosion (UNDEX) of a six‐formula HMX‐based aluminized explosive was examined by detonation and UNDEX experiments. The detonation pressures, detonation velocities, and detonation heat of HMX‐based aluminized explosive were measured. The reliability between the experimental results and those calculated by an empirical formula and the KHT code was verfied. UNDEX experiments were carried out on the propagation of a shock wave and a bubble pulse of a 1 kg cylindrical HMX‐based aluminized explosive underwater at a depth of 4.7 m. Based on the experimental results of the shock wave, the coefficients of similarity law equation for the peak pressure and attenuation time constant of shock wave were in acceptable agreement. The bubble motion during UNDEX was simulated using MSC.DYTRAN software, and the radiustime curves of bubbles were determined. The effect of the aluminum/oxygen ratio on the performance of the detonation and UNDEX for an HMX‐based aluminized explosive was discussed.