Graphene aerogel (GA) is a promising candidate for energy absorption purposes because of its very low density, high specific surface area and porous structure. GA samples, prepared by the Sol-Gel method, were tested under quasi-static compression, and characterized via surface area analyzer, as well as scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The results show that 98% (and above) porous GA samples, whose elastic modulus is 2.9 MPa, can support at least 35,000 times its weight. Scaling analysis shows that the mechanical properties of GA are superior to those of conventional polymeric open-cell foams. The GA samples exhibit a negative structural Poisson's ratio under the uniaxial compression test, which is most likely due to the bread-like microstructural evolution. Due to the mesopores of the GA sample as well as the negative structural Poisson's ratio, the GA has considerable toughness.