A non-smoking woman in her sixties had cylindrical bronchiectasis secondary to pulmonary tuberculosis acquired when aged 16 for which she received 12 months of antituberculous therapy. Multiple subsequent admissions followed with non-tuberculous infections. Recent CT images showed extensive bilateral upper lobe bronchiectasis (figures 1 and 2). Despite clinical and functional deterioration, she remains independent using bronchodilators, continuous oxygen therapy combined with non-invasive nocturnal ventilation and respiratory kinesiotherapy. ... ... Bronchiectasis is chronic irreversible bronchial dilatation usually following inflammatory disease or obstruction, and is often associated with chronic productive cough, recurrent infections and airflow obstruction.1 2 There are various causes that vary geographically, and the most common aetiology is postinfectious, particularly post-tuberculosis.3 4 Cystic fibrosis is also a major cause. Severe examples, such as shown, may progress to significantly impaired respiratory function and death2 even when adequate supportive therapy provides patients with independence and worthwhile quality of life.