To develop a Self-neglect Questionnaire for the aged in China and to test its reliability and validity so as to provide an effective assessment tool for differentiating self-neglect for the aged.
The initial questionnaire was developed based on former results of qualitative research, literature review and the method of Delphi expert consultation. From April to May 2018, a total of 71 elderly inpatients were selected by convenience sampling at a ClassⅢ Grade A hospital in Wuhan to investigation with item analysis. From June to October 2018, by convenience sampling a total of 314 elderly inpatients were investigated formally at a Class Ⅲ Grade A hospital in Wuhan, and the questionnaire was tested in terms of reliability and validity.
Finally, the Self-neglect Questionnaire induding 7 common factors and 24 items was formed. The Cronbach's α of the questionnaire was 0.875, the split-half reliability coefficient was 0.709. In content validity, the item-content validity index (I-CVI) ranged from 0.895 to 1, and the average scale-content validity index (S-CVI/Ave) was 0.987. Exploratory factor analysis extracted 7 common factors with 69.391% for the cumulative variance contribution.
The Self-neglect Questionnaire for the aged has good reliability and validity which can be an assessment tool for self-neglect of the aged.
Key words:
Aged; Self-neglect; Questionnaire development; Delphi method