Context Many in the rapidly growing Chinese-American population are non-English-speaking and medically underserved, and few engage in advance care planning (ACP). Evaluating culturally-determined factors that may inhibit ACP can inform programs designed to increase ACP engagement. Objectives To describe attitudes and beliefs concerning ACP in older, non-English-speaking Chinese Americans in a medically-underserved urban region. Methods Patients were consecutively recruited from a primary care practice in New York City to participate in a cross-sectional survey. Attitudes and beliefs were measured using an ACP Survey Tool and the validated Traditional Chinese Death Beliefs measure. Exploratory analyses evaluated associations between these two measures and between each measure and sociodemographics, primary dialect, acculturation (using the Suinn-Lew Asian Self Identity Acculturation Scale), and health status (using the Short Form-8 Health Survey). Results Patients (n = 179) were 68.2 years on average; 55.9% were women, and 81.0% were non-English speaking (42.8% Cantonese, 15.2% Mandarin, 19.3% Toisanese, and 19.3% Fuzhounese). Most had low acculturation (mean 1.7/5.0) and highly-rated physical and mental health (mean 70.1/100 and 81.5/100, respectively). Few patients (15.1%) had an advance directive and 56.8% were unfamiliar with any type; 74.4% were willing to complete one in the future. Thirty-two percent "agreed" that "talking about death in the presence of a dying person would accelerate death". The analyses revealed no significant associations. Conclusion These Chinese-American older adults had low acculturation and very limited knowledge of, or engagement in, ACP. Factors that may predict culturally-determined attitudes and beliefs about ACP were not identified. Further research can inform efforts to improve ACP engagement in this population.