This study examined the mediating effect of life satisfaction and the moderating effect of the availability of community recreational facilities (CRF) in the association between loneliness and depression in rural older adults and urban older adults, respectively.Quantitative data collected from 7547 Chinese older adults were analyzed using the SPSS macro PROCESS to test a moderated mediation model with life satisfaction as the mediator and CRF availability and residency type (rural vs. urban) as moderators.Loneliness negatively predicted life satisfaction, life satisfaction negatively predicted depression, and loneliness positively predicted depression. The interaction of loneliness and CRF availability had a significant effect on depression for urban older adults but not for rural older adults. The direct impact of loneliness on depression differed significantly between rural and urban older adults.Life satisfaction mediated the association between loneliness and depression in both rural and urban older adults; CRF availability unexpectedly boosted the effect of loneliness on depression in urban older adults but not in rural older adults. Given the same level of loneliness, urban older adults were more likely to be depressed than rural older adults.Psychogeriatric practitioners may embed life satisfaction into intervention programs to minimize depression among older adults. Public administrators should examine the utilization of public facilities to avoid wasted resources and counterproductive effects on older adults. Lonely urban older adults deserve special attention.