We study the holographic s+p model in both four dimensional (4D) and five dimensional (5D) Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) gravity. We first show a phase diagram with the Gauss-Bonnet parameter fixed to a small value α=10−7 to choose appropriate values of qp/qs. Then we fix the value of qp/qs and plot α−μ phase diagrams to show the influence of Gauss-Bonnet term on the phase transitions in both 4D and 5D bulk, respectively. The phase diagrams in 4D and 5D present the same qualitative features, indicating similarity of 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity with the 5D case in holography. We also study the influences of the Gauss-Bonnet parameter on the special values of the fourth order nonlinear term parameters λs and λp, below which the condensate grows to a different direction near the critical point, that is important in realizing 1st order superfluid phase transitions. Especially, we notice that these special values are different in the canonical and grand canonical ensembles, which is closely related to the study of the spinodal region, where the phase separations occurs with the linear instability at finite wave vector.