Although huanglongbing (HLB) is a devastating citrus disease, improved tolerant cultivars, such as Sugar Belle (SB) mandarin, have been identified. To understand the responses that HLB-affected SB undergoes, we compared 14 CO 2 fixation, carbohydrate export, phloem callose accumulation, relative expression of plant defense activators, and anatomical changes between healthy and infected SB trees versus susceptible Pineapple (PA) sweet orange. Eight- to ten-week-old leaves of infected SB showed a 2.5-fold increase in 14 CO 2 fixation and a 13% decrease in 14 C-carbohydrate export, whereas HLB-affected PA presented a decrease of 33 and 50%, respectively. The mean distance of a callose deposit to its closest neighbor was 36% smaller in infected SB versus healthy, whereas in HLB-affected PA, it was 33% higher. Expression of papain-like cysteine proteases (PLCPs) was upregulated in SB but downregulated in PA. Infected SB showed minor alterations in the number of xylem vessels, a 16% larger xylem vessel lumen area, and a 14% increase in the proportional area of the xylem. In contrast, PA showed a 2.4-fold increase in the xylem vessel number and a 2% increase in the proportional xylem area. Three complementary mechanisms of tolerance in SB are hypothesized: (i) increased carbohydrate availability induced by greater CO 2 fixation, mild effect in carbohydrate export, and local accumulation of callose in the phloem; (ii) activation of defense response via upregulation of PLCPs, and (iii) increased investment in the xylem structure. Thus, phloem and xylem modifications seem to be involved in SB tolerance.