ABSTRACTTourist scams as a common negative contextual event encountered by tourists have been largely overlooked. This study seeks to create a framework for comprehending the association between perceived deception caused by tourist scams, negative emotional experiences, and unfavorable word of mouth (WOM) based on the cognitive-affective-conative (CAC) model. Drawing on data collected from 414 tourists who had been the victims of tourist scams, this research found that perceived deception caused by tourist scams influences tourists' negative WOM through tourists' anger and contempt. Apart from the theoretical contribution, this research also discusses the practical implications for managing tourist scams in the final section.摘要旅游欺诈作为游客在旅游中经常遇到的负面事件被现有的文献很大程度上忽视了。本研究旨在根据认知-情感-行为模型构建一个能够全面理解感知欺骗、负面情感体验和负面口碑的研究框架。这项研究调研了414名曾经经历过旅游欺诈的受害者。研究发现,由旅游欺诈引起的感知欺骗能够通过引起游客的愤怒和鄙视,进而影响游客的负面口碑。除了理论上的贡献外,本研究还在最后一部分探讨了如何管理旅游欺诈的实践建议。KEYWORDS: Cognitive-affective-conative modeltourist scamsangercontemptperceived deceptionnegative word of mouth关键词: 认知-情感-行为模型旅游欺诈愤怒鄙视感知欺骗 Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Additional informationFundingThe work was supported by the Hainan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China [623RC444].Notes on contributorsFangxuan (Sam) LiFangxuan (Sam) Li is Professor in School of Tourism at Hainan University, Haikou, China. His research interests include tourism marketing, tourist behavior, and tourist psychology (E-mail: lifangxuan12345@126.com).Jianan MaJianan Ma is a Ph.D. candidate in School of Tourism at Hainan University, Haikou, China. Her research interests include tourism marketing, tourist behavior, and tourist psychology (E-mail: majianan0603@163.com).