Suprachoroidal silicone oil migration is an unusual complication of small gauge 3 ports Pars plana vitrectomy (3PPV) system. Our objective is to report a retrospective, observational case of an intra-operative suprachoroidal silicone oil (SO) migration during 27 gauge 3PPV and its successful surgical management. A 49 years old male patient with type 2 diabetes, presented to the ophthalmology outpatient department with reduced visual acuity in his right eye. He was diagnosed as having tractional retinal detachment involving macula. During combined phaco-vitrectomy following injection of SO, peripheral choroidal elevations were noted suggesting suprachoroidal SO migration. In an attempt to drain this intra-operatively nasal sclerotomy was enlarged. Post-operative B scan showed significant choroidal detachment for which patient was re-scheduled for surgery after 1 day. Three radial trans-scleral incisions (2 nasal and 1 temporal) for drainage were made at the site of maximum choroidal detachment. By massaging and widening these scleral incisions, suprachoroidal haemorrhage and SO was successfully drained with good post-operative visual improvement.