We measured PAHs concentrations to understand the potential short and long-term health risks to workers. In the anode cooking area, the lowest and highest concentrations of PAHs were found for DahA (dibenzo[a,h]anthracene) at 0.373 ± 0.326 µg/m3 and Chry (chrysene) at 1.923 ± 1.258 µg/m3, respectively. In the anode-making area, these concentrations were higher, with DahA at 0.435 ± 0.221 µg/m3 and Chry peaking at 3.841 ± 1.702 µg/m3. Risk assessment based on these concentrations indicates a hierarchical order of individual PAHs risks in the anode cooking area, led by BaP (benzo[a]pyrene), followed by other specific PAHs compounds. The total hazard quotient (THQ) for PAH exposure in both anode-making and cooking areas significantly exceeds the threshold for considered cancer risk, emphasizing the considerable danger to workers. This study underscores the urgent need to mitigate exposure to PAHs in industrial settings to protect worker health from the carcinogenic risks of such hazardous compounds.