Jiyang Chan,Niels van Best,Maris S. Arcilla,Jarne M. van Hattem,Damian C. Melles∗,Menno D. de Jong,Constance Schultsz,Perry J.J. van Genderen,Martin Bootsma,Abraham Goorhuis,Martin P. Grobusch,Astrid M. Oude Lashof,Henri A. Verbrugh,John Penders
期刊:Journal of Travel Medicine [Oxford University Press] 日期:2024-10-10
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a significant global health threat. People often acquire AMR bacteria during travel and import them into their home countries. This large-scale cohort study among intercontinental travellers identified destination, diarrhoea, antibiotic use, and shellfish consumption during travel as significant risk factors for acquisition of various AMR genes.