In response to calls by researchers to integrate two or more tested models in the research of important information systems issues and given the urgent need to curb the devastating effects of cyberharassment (CH), we have proposed and used an integrated individual-level research model to better understand the factors that affect CH. The proposed model combines widely researched and theory-based models: the Norm Activation Model (NAM) and the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). A survey instrument was used to collect data from 231 university students. Of the seven paths investigated, six are statistically significant thereby establishing the fact that personal norms and attitude influence the intention to engage in CH, which influences the actual practice. The determinants of CH intention are Awareness of Consequences (AC); Ascription of Responsibility (AR), Attitude (ATT), and Perceived Behaviour Control (PBC); with Personal Norms (PN) mediating the effects of AC and AR on Behaviour Intention (BI). The study contributions include (a) combining two theory-based models to inform the understanding of aspects of CH; (b) highlighting the role of norm activation in intention to engage in CH, and (c) ATT is a crucial TPB factor in explaining CH intention. The implications of the findings are discussed.