The life history theory assumes that all organisms are under selective pressure to harvest external resources and allocate them to maximise fitness: only organisms making the best use of energy obtain the greatest fitness benefits. The trade-off of energy spans four functions: maintenance, growth, reproduction, and defence against pathogens. The innovative antihyperglycaemic agents glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists and sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors decrease bodyweight and have the potential to counter low-grade inflammation. These key activities could rewire two components of the life history theory operative in adulthood—ie, maintenance and defence. In this Personal View, we postulate that the benefits of these medications on the cardiovascular system, beyond their glucose-lowering effects, could be mediated by the reduction of the maintenance cost driven by obesity and efforts spent on blunting low-grade inflammation.