An inherent challenge in using metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) for catalysis is how to access the catalytic sites generally confined inside the porous structure, in particular for substrates larger than the pores. We present here a promising solution to bypass this roadblock by modulating the facets of a crystalline MOF NENU-3a to enhance the facet exposure of the catalytic sites and the adsorption of substrates. Specifically, by transforming it with encapsulated catalysis-responsible polyoxometalate from octahedron characterized entirely by {111} facets to cube with only {100} facets, much enhanced catalytic activities were observed, especially for sterically demanding substrates that are otherwise hard to diffuse into the pores. Crystallographic analysis and adsorption/desorption experiments collectively established the critical effects of morphological control on the enhanced catalysis. The cubic crystals were then applied for biodiesel production, reaching more than 90% conversion of fatty acids (C12–C22) in comparison to <22% using octahedral crystals.