Sodium batteries have been regarded as promising candidates for large-scale energy storage application, provided cathode hosts with high energy density and long cycle life can be found. Herein, we report NASICON-structured Na3MnZr(PO4)3 as a cathode for sodium batteries that exhibits an electrochemical performance superior to those of other manganese phosphate cathodes reported in the literature. Both the Mn4+/Mn3+ and Mn3+/Mn2+ redox couples are reversibly accessed in Na3MnZr(PO4)3, providing high discharge voltage plateaus at 4.0 and 3.5 V, respectively. A high discharge capacity of 105 mAh g-1 was obtained from Na3MnZr(PO4)3 with a small variation of lattice parameters and a small volume change on extraction of two Na+ ions per formula unit. Moreover, Na3MnZr(PO4)3 exhibits an excellent cycling stability, retaining 91% of the initial capacity after 500 charge/discharge cycles at 0.5 C rate. On the basis of structural analysis and density functional theory calculations, we have proposed a detailed desodiation pathway from Na3MnZr(PO4)3 where Mn and Zr are disordered within the structure. We further show that the cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion of Mn3+ is suppressed in the cathode and that Na2MnZr(PO4)3 is a stable phase.