To evaluate the new Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature (SUN) classification criteria for uveitides by applying them to patients in an academic uveitis practice.Evaluation of classification criteria.The charts of all patients attending the uveitis service at the University of Colorado Hospital between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2020, were reviewed. Patients with scleritis, ocular cicatricial pemphigoid, and peripheral ulcerative keratitis were excluded. We attempted to classify each patient's uveitis using the SUN classification criteria. Classification attempts were made within the relevant anatomical or infectious categories for their pathology but did not necessarily have to match their clinical diagnosis by a uveitis specialist. We recorded whether classification was possible as well as their clinical diagnosis by a uveitis specialist.All patients attending the uveitis clinic at our academic institution between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2020, were reviewed. Of the 1143 patients with uveitis, 572 (50.0%) had a disease that was not listed in the SUN classification system, and so no attempt to classify these patients was possible. Of the remaining 571 patients, 522 (91.4%) were able to be classified by SUN and in 492 (94.3%) of the 522 cases, their SUN classification matched their clinical diagnosis by a uveitis specialist.Half of the patients at an academic uveitis practice had a disease for which no SUN classification criteria existed. In cases where classification by SUN could be attempted, the system performed well and generally agreed with their clinical diagnosis.