Spatial and Seasonal Patterns of Sediment Bacterial Communities in Large River Cascade Reservoirs: Drivers, Assembly Processes, and Co-occurrence Relationship
Sediment bacteria play an irreplaceable role in promoting the function and biogeochemical cycle of the freshwater ecosystem; however, little is known about their biogeographical patterns and community assembly mechanisms in large river suffering from cascade development. Here, we investigated the spatiotemporal distribution patterns of bacterial communities employing next-generation sequencing analysis and multivariate statistical analyses from the Lancang River cascade reservoirs during summer and winter. We found that sediment bacterial composition has a significant seasonal turnover due to the modification of cascade reservoirs operation mode, and the spatial consistency of biogeographical models (including distance-decay relationship and covariation of community composition with geographical distance) also has subtle changes. The linear regression between the dissimilarity of bacterial communities in sediments, geographical and environmental distance showed that the synergistic effects of geographical and environmental factors explained the influence on bacterial communities. Furthermore, the environmental difference explained little variations (19.40%) in community structure, implying the homogeneity of environmental conditions across the cascade reservoirs of Lancang River. From the quantification of the ecological process, the homogeneous selection was recognized as the dominating factor of bacterial community assembly. The co-occurrence topological network analyses showed that the key genera were more important than the most connected genera. In general, the assembly of bacterial communities in sediment of cascade reservoirs was mediated by both deterministic and stochastic processes and is always dominated by homogeneous selection with the seasonal switching, but the effects of dispersal limitation and ecological drift cannot be ignored.