Zheng Hua Amelia-Yap,Adzzie‐Shazleen Azman,Sazaly AbuBakar,Van Lun Low
The pervasiveness of arboviruses in wreaking havoc on public health has lingered on international health agendas. A scarcity of mosquito-borne disease vaccines and therapies demands prompt attention, as billions of people worldwide are at risk of infections. It is widely known that vector control continues, and in some diseases, remains the only resort in suppressing disease transmissions we presently possess at its disposal. But the use of commercial insecticides is being crippled by the widespread insecticide resistance, which greatly menaces their efficacies, toxicological repercussions such as environmental pollution and human health risk. Rather, an environmentally benign technique of employing Streptomyces isolates from settings such as terrestrial soils, marine sediments, and mangrove soils for Culicidae management has recently received a lot of positive attention. Streptomyces' capacities to produce a wide range of bioactive secondary metabolites that contribute to pharmaceutical, agricultural and veterinarian, Streptomyces-derived bioactive compounds are increasingly being considered for use in vector control. Herein, we compiled all of the available datasets on the effectiveness of Streptomyces-derived compounds against major mosquito vectors of medical importance. Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex are used to assess the toxicity of crude extracts or fractions. This paper reviewed the promising ovicidal, larvicidal, and pupacidal effects of different Streptomyces strains. Notably, no research into the adulticidal effect of Streptomyces-derived compounds has yet been done. Aside from the genetic makeup, the production of secondary metabolites from Streptomyces depends on the growing conditions. And that, to optimise the maximum yield of highly potent bioactive compounds being extracted, solvents' choice is of paramount importance. Thus, both cultivation parameters and the choice of organic solvents for secondary metabolites extraction will be discussed. Furthermore, biases derived from different studies have implied the need for standardizing experimental procedures. While entomological data should be collected consistently across all studies to expedite evidence-based policymaking of bioinsecticides, the quality of data from vector control interventions - particularly the experimental design, execution, analysis, and presentation of results of vector control studies - will be thoroughly reviewed. Lastly, to promote consistency and reliability, these knowledge gaps are identified, along with a discussion of current perspectives on vector control, global bioinsecticide trends, challenges on commercializing bioinsecticides and future research needs.