A series of polyethylenimine (PEI)-based CQDs have been synthesized via a hydrothermal method by mixing linear PEI with linear citric acid (CA with COOH groups, PEICA), linear glucose (G with OH groups, PEIG), cyclic hyaluronic acid (HA with COOH groups, PEIHA) and cyclic boron nitride (BN with OH groups, PEIBN). PEICA had the best labeling effect (100.00 ± 0.26%) and the lowest cytotoxicity (100.89 ± 18.00%) for mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), followed by PEIG (91.83 ± 7.60%; 92.84 ± 5.56%), PEIHA (84.34 ± 7.87%; 61.27 ± 11.34%) and PEIBN (1.33 ± 0.84%; 22.72 ± 11.47%). The labeling effect of PEIHA for MSCs is lower than that of PEIG because the surface potential of PEIHA (6.58 mV) is higher than that of PEIG (0.50 mV). For PEIBN, it is likely that the precursor (BN) is less biocompatible than CA, HA and glucose. Thus, the linear acid (CA) is more appropriate to react with PEI for synthesizing CQDs with high labeling performance for MSCs. The control experimental results show that factors (such as surface potential, aromatic component, etc.) may all contribute to MSC labeling by PEICA. This work is helpful to design CQDs with high MSC labeling efficiency.