Luís Alberto de Pádua Covas Lage,Cláudio Vinícius Brito,Guilherme Carneiro Barreto,Hebert Fabrício Culler,Cadiele Oliana Reichert,Débora Levy,Renata de Oliveira Costa,Maria Cláudia Nogueira Zerbini,Vanderson Rocha,Juliana Pereira
Background Nodal peripheral T-cell lymphoma (nPTCL) constitute a heterogeneous group of neoplasms with aggressive behavior and poor-survival. They are more prevalent in Latin America and Asia, although data from Brazil are scarce. Its primary therapy is still controversial and ineffective. Therefore, we aim to describe clinical-epidemiological characteristics, outcomes, predictors factors for survival and compare the results of patients treated with CHOP and CHOEP regimens. Methods Retrospective, observational and single-center study involving 124 nPTCL patients from Brazil treated from 2000 to 2019. Results With a median follow-up of 23.7 months, the estimated 2-year overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) were 59.2% and 37.3%, respectively. The median age was 48.5 years and 57.3% (71/124) were male, 81.5% (101/124) had B-symptoms, 88.7% (110/124) had advanced disease (stage III/IV) and 58.1% (72/124) presented International Prognostic Index (IPI) score ≥3, reflecting a real-life cohort. ORR to first-line therapy was 58.9%, 37.9% (N = 47) received CHOP-21 and 35.5% (N = 44) were treated with CHOEP-21; 30.1% (37/124) underwent to consolidation with involved field radiotherapy (IF-RT) and 32.3% (40/124) were consolidated with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (ASCT). The overall response rate (ORR) was similar for CHOP-21 (76.6%) and CHOEP-21 (65.9%), P = .259. Refractory disease was less frequent in the CHOEP-21 group (4.5% vs. 21.2%, P = .018). However, few patients were able to complete 6-cycles of CHOEP-21 (31.8%) than to CHOP-21 (61.7%), P = .003. Delays ≥2 weeks among the cycles of chemotherapy were more frequent for patients receiving CHOEP-21 (43.1% vs. 10.6%), P = .0004, as well as the toxicities, including G3-4 neutropenia (88% vs. 57%, P = .001), febrile neutropenia (70% vs. 38%, P = .003) and G3-4 thrombocytopenia (63% vs. 27%, P = .0007). The 2-year OS was higher for CHOP (78.7%) than CHOEP group (61.4%), P = .05, as well as 2-year PFS (69.7% vs. 25.0%, P < .0001). In multivariate analysis, high LDH (HR 3.38, P = .007) was associated with decreased OS. CR at first line (HR: 0.09, P < .001) and consolidation with ASCT (HR: 0.08, P = .015) were predictors of increased OS. Conclusion In the largest cohort of nPTCL from Latin America, patients had poor survival and high rate of chemo-resistance. In our cohort, the addition of etoposide to the CHOP-21 backbone showed no survival benefit and was associated with high-toxicity and frequent treatment interruptions. Normal LDH values, obtaintion of CR and consolidation with ASCT were independent factors associated with better outcomes.