Abstract Stereotypes in advertising are recognized as contributing to the perpetuation of inequalities. In response to this, femvertising—“ advertising that employs pro‐female talents , messages , and imagery to empower women and girls ” (SheKnows, 2014)—is increasingly observed in the marketplace. Despite femvertising's prevalence, current research has failed to identify women's core understanding of it. The objectives of this research are to conceptualize femvertising from a consumer perspective, explore the nature of authentic femvertising, and differentiate it from femwashing. In‐depth interviews were conducted with 17 women. The findings help uncover femvertising's complex meaning as perceived by consumers and distinguish it from femwashing. The results suggest that the concepts of femvertising and femwashing coexist in consumers' minds. Six dimensions of authentic femvertising are identified: transparency, consistency, identification, diversity, respect, and challenging stereotypes. This research contributes to the consumer research, advertising, and branding literature; encourages a broader societal reflection about gender stereotypes; and offers several managerial implications.