Fang Yu,Xiaoxin Chen,Kiron M. Das,Amit Verma,Kiron M. Das,Rhonda F. Souza,Katherine S. Garman,Claire L. Donohoe,Naoimh J. O’Farrell,John V. Reynolds,Katerina Dvorak
This paper presents commentaries on animal models used for Barrett's esophagus (BE) and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) research; acid‐ and bile‐induced chromosomal instability and clonal selection during the progression of BE to EAC; how the components of gastric refluxate, especially acid and bile salts, promote carcinogenesis in metaplastic BE; genome‐wide changes in DNA methylation and transcription involved in BE carcinogenesis; the potential role of miRNA in the development of BE and EAC; the effect of inflammatory cytokines linked to obesity on the activation of cell‐death pathways and cell survival in BE and esophageal cancer; and the role of autophagy in esophageal cancer development.