This study attempted the feasibility to determine the ratio of tea polyphenols to amino acids in green tea infusion using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy combined with synergy interval PLS (siPLS) algorithms. First, SNV was used to preprocess the original spectra of tea infusion; then, siPLS was used to select the efficient spectra regions from the preprocessed spectra. Experimental results showed that the spectra regions [7 8 18] were selected, which were out of the strong absorption of H 2 O. The optimal PLS model was developed with the selected regions when 6 PCs components were contained. The RMSEP value was equal to 0.316 and the correlation coefficient (R) was equal to 0.8727 in prediction set. The results demonstrated that NIR can be successfully used to determinate the ration of tea polyphenols to amino acids in green tea infusion.