To investigate the carrier rate of thalasaemia among the children of 10 minority ethnic groups in 3 border states (Xishuangbanna, Dehong and Nujiang) of Yunnan Province.A total of 6562 samples of children under 10 years old were analyzed by blood cell automatic analysis and hemoglobin electrophoresis.The overall carrier frequency of thalasaemia was highest (46.2%) in Dehong, and lowest (30.6%) in Nujiang. The carrier frequency of beta-thalasaemia was the highest (40.6%) in Achang, and lowest (2.5%) in Dulong. The carrier frequency of alpha-thalasaemia was the highest (22.1%) in Dai from Xishuangbanna, followed by Dulong (19.1%).Thalasaemia carrier rates were high among the children of 10 minority ethnic groups in Yunnan. There were regional differences in their incidences. The results provide a valuable basis for thalasaemia prevention in Yunnan minorities in the three border states.