This is a textbook on the structural analysis and design of highway pavements. It presents the theory of pavement design and reviews the methods developed by several organizations, such as the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the Asphalt Institute (AI), and the Portland Cement Association (PCA). It can be used for an undergraduate course by skipping the appendices or as an advanced graduate course by including them. The book is organized in 13 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the historical development of pavement design, the major road tests, the various design factors, and the differences in design concepts among highway pavements, airport pavements, and railroad trackbeds. Chapter 2 discusses stresses and strains in flexible pavements. Chapter 3 presents the KENLAYER computer program, based on Burmister's layered theory, including theoretical developments, program description, comparison with available solutions, and sensitivity analysis on the effect of various factors on pavement responses. Chapter 4 discusses stresses and deflections in rigid pavements due to curling, loading, and friction, as well as the design of dowels and joints. Influence charts for determining stresses and deflections are also presented. Chapter 5 presents the KENSLABS computer program, based on the finite element method, including theoretical developments, program description, comparison with available solutions, and sensitivity analysis. Chapter 6 discusses the concept of equivalent single-wheel and single-axle loads and the prediction of traffic. Chapter 7 describes the material characterization for mechanistic-empirical methods of pavement design including the determination of resilient modulus, fatigue and permanent deformation properties, and the modulus of subgrade reaction. Chapter 8 outlines the subdrainage design including general principles, drainage materials, and design procedures. Chapter 9 discusses pavement performance including distress, serviceability, skid resistance, nondestructive testing, and the evaluation of pavement performance. Chapter 10 illustrates the reliability concept of pavement design in which the variabilities of traffic, material, and geometric parameters are all taken into consideration. A probabilistic procedure, developed by Rosenblueth, is described and two probabilistic computer programs including VESYS for flexible pavements and PMRPD for rigid pavements are discussed. Chapter 11 outlines an idealistic mechanistic method of flexible pavement design and presents in detail the AI method and the AASHTO method, as well as the design of flexible pavement shoulders. Chapter 12 outlines an idealistic mechanistic method of rigid pavement design and presents in detail the PCA method and the AASHTO method. The design of continuous reinforced concrete pavements and rigid pavement shoulders is also included. Chapter 13 outlines the design of overlay on both flexible and rigid pavements including the AASHTO, AI, and PCA procedures. An Author Index and a Subject Index are provided.